From now on, Trojan Killer is always with you
Trojan Killer is the effective trojan scanner and remover tool for your memory stick.
Be sure that you’re safe from internet threats wherever you go!
How to download and install Trojan Killer?
You can download Trojan Killer here Find and tap the download button. The installation process should begin. You may be prompted to confirm the action. But before the installation process begins a user should choose the setup of the software. In addition you can also set the creation of the desktop icon. Users can choose…
How to uninstall Trojan Killer?
If you don’t want to use Trojan Killer anymore you can easily uninstall the software from your computer. You can do so in two ways. In the first one open the Control Panel in your PC. Find the program. Click on it and choose Uninstall. You will be prompted to confirm your action. In the…
How to activate subscription in Trojan Killer?
How to activate subscription in Trojan Killer? If you don’t have your subscription activated you are using a demo version of Trojan Killer. In order to get your subscription activated follow the next steps: Open the software, in the top right corner click on the relevant window; Before you activate your code you need to…
How to manage settings in Trojan Killer?
With managing settings in Trojan Killer you can change general settings like language and color of the program’s interface and make additional specifications on how the next scan should run. To open the settings click on the relevant icon. Trojan Killer offers a relatively easy interface for managing the settings of the antivirus software. The…
How to use Trojan Killer?
Trojan Killer — a portable antivirus cleaner solution for both PCs and memory sticks that allows for the quick and effective recovery of your device. It will successfully destroy and deactivate viruses and renew your system back. A tool that includes additional modules will help to restore the user’s device to the pre-virus infiltration condition.…
Reset Browser Settings with Trojan Killer
There are some malware programs which amend your browser settings causing redirect problems and other related issues. Additionally, the main browser Home, Start Page and Search Engine preferences may be amended – again, in order to redirect users to other unwanted web addresses. In order to reset these settings back to the normal mode please…