Log files
There are three types of them in the program, each collects information about specific parts of the workflow:

- Scan Logs is for keeping information about the scanning process, one for each finished or unfinished scan with full information on how it was going;
- Protection Log is intended to keep logs for ALL THREE types of protection when at least one of them is switched ON;
- Application Logs is necessary to investigate the cases of incorrect application’ behavior to find out the error or wrong data processing.

Filter logs by type or view them all together filtered by date or by software version.
To send us a log file – go to the Tools tab and select the desired report type (Scan Log, Protection Log, or Application Log) – check the specific log(s) and send it to us for analysis.
When at least one item checked ‘Clear log(s)’ and ‘Send log(s)’ buttons became accessible. Use them to handle logs according to your needs.
At the Settings tab you can adjust how long time log files will stay stored. If this option is not checked, log files won’t be deleted from your computer.
All these files will be useful in the case of contacting our Support Center as they could clarify numerous moments of settings and scan options when trouble occurs.
How to interpret the result?
A removal process is the final part of the cleansing process. The results are displayed in the list step by step.
All processed items are marking with the following symbols:
This pointer is marking an item that was processed and removed correctly.
We use this pointer to mark files that were not removed yet: mostly in cases when the item is not accessible at the moment, but could be removed when the system will be restarted. You’ll see a warning at the end of the removal process about this situation and will be asked to confirm the Restart action if it is possible.
Usually, the removal process lasts from several seconds to a few minutes depending on the size of the removed files. Should any of the detected files not be removed for any reason, the program will inform you about it.
If you have a problem with malware removal, please contact our Support Team. Our specialists will help you to cope with your problems. If a file was deleted by mistake you may always restore it from Quarantine (you can find it on the Tools tab).

Sometimes you’ll see connected items there. What are they? These items are the result of removing grouped threats like this:
There are 3 items detected in scanning process (an executable file plus 2 items in system registry) but they are parts of 1 threat, so they were grouped.
In the removal process these items will be processed one by one. In severe cases, program can’t receive access to the file or process, so we have to count them separately and inform a user when this happens. That’s why such items appear in our removal reports and, as we try to make these reports more clear for our users, we have to display them too.